About me

Hi, I'm Joseph McWhorter. I'm a full-stack software developer looking for interesting problems, opportunities for growth, and ways to provide value.

Prior to becoming a software developer, I managed a lab for a biotech company that makes grafts for wound care. It was a very rewarding and demanding job that allowed many growth opportunities but required a significant time investment. To best make use of my time, I began automating tasks using Excel macros and LOVED it. I decided to transition to software to automate things full-time.

During this transition, I fulfilled another life goal of mine by hiking the 2,192 mile Appalachian Trail. After I completed it, I joined the DigitalCrafts web development bootcamp and have been coding ever since.

These days I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading fantasy books (Brandon Sanderson), and hiking (not thousands of miles).


Trivia Study Guide

Trivia Study Guide is a full-stack project for DigitalCrafts built with React, Redux, node.js, Express, and AWS. Trivia Study Guide pulls data from Wikipedia, newsAPI, and a web crawler (Apify) to amalgamate data from various trivia websites to allow the user to find helpful trivia all in one place and save it.


Jeopardy is a full-stack project for DigitalCrafts built with node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ES6 Renderer. It allows users to log in and play past games of jeopardy and compare their scores to other users.

Rainy Parade

Rainy Parade is a front-end project for DigitalCrafts built by a team of three utilizing HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. The website helps users find upcoming events at their entered location and pulls from the Yelp API and Open Weather API to display helpful event data.








Amazon Web Services
